06 | BrandEx 2024
17.-18. JANUARY 2024

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Stefan Ponikva

Vice President Brand Experience
BMW Group

13:15 – 13:45 | Mainstage
Disruption | Investment | Engagement – Quo Vadis Brand Experience?
Dr. Jana Dewitz | Stefan Ponikva | Jeannine Koch

What developments are currently leading to radical changes in our industry?
What are the potentials of brand experiences and where will investments be made as a result?
What makes the heart of the industry beat faster, what ignites our passion and what measurable energy is released in brand experience formats?
As an introduction and starting point for the discussion, (4) Johannes Plass, CEO at Mutabor, will present a brief market survey that throws light on the all-important themes of sustainability, digitalisation, the knowledge society, and the next generation from the perspective of the industry.

14:00 – 14:30 | Bedroom Stage
Are you still counting or are you already tracking? Measuring the success of a brand experience
Kerstin Dahnert | Stefan Ponikva | Ralph Herrmann | Christoph Beaufils | Opening and Moderation: Johannes Plass

Nowhere is the encounter between brand and customer more intense than in brand experience formats. This opinion, frequently shared in our industry, refers to the strength of multisensory stimuli, all the senses and the direct feedback from event visitors. But how measurable are these stimuli? And what precisely is required to generate positive feedback?
Compared to the digital channels, the brand experience format is still in its infancy for the most part. In many places, event visitors are only counted and surveyed; new technologies are used only cautiously. This panel aims to clarify customer expectations and embark on the search for the key performance indicators that we as an industry really should deliver to ensure that customers invest in brand experience formats with conviction in the future as well.

1978 born in Vienna, Austria
since 2019 – Vice President BMW Brand Experience
2017-2019 – General Manager BMW Group Motor Shows & BMW Events
2012-2017 – Head of Brand Management BMWi & ConnectedDrive Communication
2004-2012 – Joined BMW AG – various positions in the Brand Management & Marketing division
2003 – Master of Business Consultancy, University of Applied Sciences Vienna, Austria

Inspiring people, arousing emotions, creating a relationship between people and brands – that is our task. Live communication is a central tool that is currently undergoing a great deal of change. Physical platforms offer the possibility of staging, but in the future they must be expanded into the digital world in order to do justice to “always-on” communication consumption and reach a broad audience. This means a conceptual rethink of all our live marketing activities.