08 | BrandEx 2026
14. JANUARY 2026

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Press Shop

Please note: Admission to the fair is only possible at the start of the fair.

As a trade fair organiser, we want to make it easier for journalists to access information about our events and our company by means of accreditation. Accreditation is granted solely for the purpose of journalistic reporting.

Media accreditation may be granted to
Persons from Germany or abroad who can prove their journalistic (also photo-journalistic) activity (with reference to the respective trade fair topic) as follows:

a. by submitting name articles not older than six months at the time of the event,
b. by submitting a masthead in which they are named as editors, permanent editorial staff or authors and which is not older than three months at the time of the event,
c. by submitting a written assignment of a full editorial staff in the original with reference to the current trade fair,
d. by means of a web link to an online publication that is established in the respective industry community and can demonstrate appropriate coverage. In these cases, pre-accreditation is required due to increased verification efforts. Such online media must have existed for at least three months, have regular entries and the last text with reference to the trade fair theme must be no more than three months old. (In individual cases there may be separate more detailed accreditation rules for bloggers and a separate status for bloggers).
e. by presenting proof, no more than six months old, that they work for school newspapers, or by presenting a valid ID from a youth press organisation, or by presenting written confirmation from the school confirming editorial work for the school newspaper.
f. Holders of a valid press card from a domestic or foreign journalists’ association.

Please note that the presentation of a press card is generally not the sole basis for accreditation. The fair organiser reserves the right to request further proof of journalistic activity in accordance with points a – e.

The credentials should be presented in German or English. In individual cases, the fair organiser reserves the right to additionally demand the presentation of a valid personal document with photo. There is no right to accreditation. If necessary, the fair organiser will exercise its domiciliary rights.

The following groups of persons will not be accredited:

  • Persons without journalistic credentials, such as account managers, sales managers, advertising managers or webmasters, PR consultants as well as private escorts.
  • Germans resident in Germany who present a foreign press card
  • Persons who present a written assignment from a freelance journalist
  • Persons who are exclusively privately active in social networks

Press review 2021

Call for entries for event young talent award BrandEx Fresh 2022 went online | 23. june 2021 | to the article›

Entries for the BrandEx Awards 2022 are now being accepted | 22. june 2021 | to the article›

“BoB” celebrated its premiere at the BrandEx Award | 04. march 2021 | to the article ›

BrandEx Awards presented digitally for the first time | 04. march 2021 | to the article ›

Almost like live: BrandEx Award 2021 | 03. march 2021 | to the article›

Response to the crisis: BrandEx Award 03 | 03. march 2021 | to the article›

BrandEx Award 2021 as an “evening among friends | 02. march 2021 | to the article ›

Interview for the BrandEx Award 2021 | 02. march 2021 | to the article›

An evening among friends – live in the living room | 22. february 2021 | to the article ›

Winners of the BrandEx Awards 2021 have been determined | 21. december 2020 | zum Artikel ›

Press review 2019

Exceptional presentations and workshops on the theme of ‘Passion’ in marketing | 27. november 2019 | to the article ›

Winners of BrandEx Award 2020 have been announced | 22. october 2019 | to the article ›

Ticketshop for BrandEx 2020 is now online | 16. october 2019 | to the article ›

Disruptive Brand Experience? Hardly… | 06. september 2019 | to the article ›

The nominee longlist for the BrandEx Awards 2020 has been finalised | 08. August 2019 | to the article ›

Extension of the deadline for entry submission for the BrandEx Awards 2020 to 8 July 2019 | 26. june 2019 | to the article ›

Deadline nears for entry submission for the BrandEx Awards 2020: 1 July 2019 | 11. june 2019 | to the article ›

BrandEx Fresh 2020 honours up-and-coming concepts in live communication | 27. may 2019 | to the article ›

Second edition of the BrandEx Awards launched with revised entry procedure | 14. may 2019 | to the article ›

Motto for BrandEx 2020 is “02 | Passion”. | 11. april 2019 | to the article ›

Press review 2018

Last chance for BrandEx Early Bird Tickets | 28. november 2018 | to the article ›

First speakers* for BrandEx Festival 2019 are confirmed  | 06. november 2018 | to the article ›

Deadline for submissions for BrandEx Award 2019 ends on 11 November 2018 | 05. november 2018 | to the article ›

Highly competent jury for BrandEx Award  | 11. october 2018 | to the article ›

BrandEx Fresh Award 2018 | 17. september 2018 | to the article ›

BrandEx Award starts on 1 August 2018 | 31. july 2018 | to the article ›

BrandEx calls for participation in the festival | 19. july 2018 | to the article ›

International Festival of Brand Experience 2019 | 3. july 2018 | to the article ›


BrandEx logo  |  EPS  |  JPG  |  PNG

BrandEx Award winner logos

Gold | EPS | PDF | JPG | PNG
Silver | EPS | PDF | JPG | PNG
Bronze | EPS | PDF | JPG | PNG
Special | EPS | PDF | JPG | PNG

Press accreditation

Information on your press accreditation can be obtained directly from the BrandEx office:

+49 5242 9454-0

[email protected]