06 | BrandEx 2024
17.-18. JANUARY 2024

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Diversity onstage

The International Festival of Brand Experience is pursuing the goal of making diversity visible onstage. We want to offer the widest possible range of content for our audience that accurately reflects the industry and society. Thus, in preparing the programme, we are taking particular care to ensure a balance of female and male speakers.  That’s not always possible in every single area, but it is especially important to us to encourage women to step into the limelight and enrich the festival with their contributions. This is one of the reasons why we are also launching, in collaboration with partners, a cross-industry initiative to promote and support up-and-coming female managers and leaders of the next generation at the festival.

To us, diversity also means that we invite speakers and guests from around the globe to participate in the festival, and is one of the reasons why we designed it as an international event from the very beginning. Our sponsor, the German Association of Conference Interpreters VKD, will support us in overcoming the linguistic barriers to the greatest extent possible, and in facilitating a pleasant stay for our foreign guests.


A diverse society naturally includes people with disabilities, some of whom have special needs with regard to participation in events or require support on-site. We would also like to encourage these people to increase their visibility onstage or in the audience and to take an active part in our festival of encounters. Our event venue is generally accessible and barrier-free. If you have a particular disability and require support or assistance, please let us know. We can then seek solutions together to enable you to participate.


We consider it very important to proactively promote and practice sustainability in the industry, and to design our own event to the furthest extent possible in line with this objective. That’s why the FAMAB Sustainability Project Group developed a sustainability guideline that functions as a recommendation for action for our various sponsors. It covers everything from the desire to provide catering that is balanced and based on regional products to the avoidance of waste. Naturally we are aware that we may not be able to implement all recommendations immediately in the first year of BrandEx, but we’ve made a good start. Thanks to shared learning and mutual support, we will develop and optimise this area as well from one event to the next.

Other things that are important to us

We advocate a diverse, democratic, open and multifaceted industry and global community. With this festival, we as an industry want to take positive action to combat hate and xenophobia.