08 | BrandEx 2026
14. JANUARY 2026

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Reinhard Pommerel

POMMEREL – Live- Marketing GmbH

12:00 – 13:15
Live Communication: The Dinosaur of Corporate Communication?

Moderator: Uni.-Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zanger and Reinhard Pommerel, R.I.F.E.L. Vorstand

Participants in the panel:
Salim Yüksel | Volkswagen AG, Stephen Rose | SIEMENS AG, Stephan Hoffmann | Nüssli (Deutschland) GmbH, Christian Flörs | BRUNS Messe- und Ausstellungsgestaltung GmbH, Dirk Zieling | Expo Display Service GmbH, Oliver Wurch | White Label Events, Frank Sonder | foresee GmbH, Matthias Schultze | GCB German Convention Bureau e.V., Hendrik Hochheim | AUMA

Format: Fishbowl
Track: Cultural Change

Will brand experiences take place only in the virtual world in the digital age? Will live communication become the dinosaur of corporate communication? Certainly not! Our customers want to experience emotions – but this raises the question of what future scenarios will look like. How will the live communication formats be reinvented in the age of digitalisation in response to the changed expectations of our trade show visitors and event participants? These are exciting issues in our industry – experts will engage in dialogue on these topics in the fishbowl. Join the discussion!

13:30 – 14:00
Discussion panel: Career paths in the event industry

Baykomm: Andrea Ahlbrecht
TU Chemnitz: Prof. Dr. Cornelia Zanger
POMMEREL – Live- Marketing GmbH: Reinhard Pommerel
insglück Gesellschaft für Markeninszenierung mbH: Christian Poswa

Format: Talk
Track: Fresh

Discussion panel on the various professional fields in live communication: among other topics, questions such as ‘What can I earn’ or ‘Freelance or company employee?’ will be discussed.

Reinhard B. Pommerel grew up in Amsterdam and has been living with his family in Bremen, London, Lausanne, Munich, Heidelberg and Hamburg for over 30 years in Berne/Northwest Germany, in the heart of the Bremen-Oldenburg metropolitan region, after working for the international hotel industry and industry. The hotel business economist born in the year ´63 is since 1997 founder and since 2000 managing partner of the communication agency of the same name POMMEREL live marketing GmbH. The agency is specialized in bringing together humans and marks in the prominent middle class over all senses.
Pommerel is a transverse and Vordenkerunternehmer, if it concerns to develop innovative Businessmodelle. As initiator and board member of the European project REFRAME and founding director of the R.I.F.E.L-Institute, he contributes with verve to advancing the national and international live communication industry with like-minded people.