Creative Director
11:45 – 12:15 | Keynote Lounge 2
Everything is design. Fuck U, free will.
My passions are aroused when I expand my design space to include human perception and start to design with this in mind. We creatives should always be aware of the huge impact the experiential elements we design can have on people. Then everything is design. The free will of the individual is not as free as he thinks.
Philipp Dorendorf is Creative Director for Brand Experience and Communication in Space. Philipp studied Graphic Design at the Alsterdamm School of Visual Arts in Hamburg and Marketing Communication at the Westdeutsche Akademie für Kommunikation. He is a member of the ADC and taught at the WAK, the RFH and has been a lecturer at treibhaus 0.8 for many years. He was under contract with kogag, Avantgarde, facts and fiction, BBDO and insglück. From 2020 he will be in charge of creation at EAST END COMMUICATIONS in Hamburg. Philipp has worked with projects such as Vok Dams, wunderman, Y&R, Blast Radius and DDB Tribal. Philipp Dorendorf has developed formats for various companies and brands, including Unilever, Nissan, Goodyear, Microsoft, Smart, Schwarzkopf & Henkel, Deutsche Bank, Union Investment, Volkswagen Group, MAN, Google and Bayer AG, as well as for institutions such as BMAS, the Office of the Federal President, the BMBF and NGOs such as Innocence in Danger.