08 | BrandEx 2026
14. JANUARY 2026

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Isabel Varell

Singer, actress, musical performer and television presenter

15:30 – 16:45 | Bedroom Stage
Society in transition – how gender equality is changing the industry

Natascha Hoffner | Regina Mehler | Brigitte Nußbaum | Ulrike Tondorf | Isabel Varell
Moderation: Kerstin Wünsch

Diversity and demographic change are transforming society and causing companies to focus more intensively on the issues of gender equality and the promotion of women. Even though diverse management teams are frequently more innovative and more successful, women are still woefully underrepresented in executive management and earn less than their male colleagues. What will it take to advance gender equality in society, in companies and in the event industry? What role does the visibility of women play? What does it look like on the stages and behind the scenes at events?

Poto Credit © Fotograf Max Heydenreich