ŠKODA Explore More Event
Best Live PR, Event
Nominee, Winner
Concept Summary
ŠKODA – Explore More Brand & Showcar Reveal Event | August 30, 2022 | O2 Universum, Prague On August 30, 2022 ŠKODA AUTO invited 450 journalists (plus the general public via live stream) to a special premiere event giving insights into ŠKODA’s Next Level strategy, that will have a lasting impact on the company’s future up to the year 2030. In a holistic storyline based upon the central content pillar from the brand strategy the audience was taken on a discovery journey into the future of ŠKODA under the motto: »Explore More.« Besides introducing ŠKODA’s new positioning the event established Klaus Zellmer as new CEO and Ariane Kilian as new Head of Communication. The show culminated in the reveal of ŠKODA’s new logo and corporate design as well as in the premiere of the show car VISION 7S, that made the new design language tangible. An agile kinetic media set-up opened up numerous possibilities for an immersive storytelling, bringing the motto »Explore More« to life on stage and making full use of the three-dimensional space, fueling the story with ever-new perspectives. Formally, the event was part of a series that took place between August 29 and September 8, 2022. For the first time, events from three different ŠKODA departments were combined in one set-up and one location. The events were conceived for different target audiences (internal management / trade press and general public / ŠKODA dealers) by three different creative agencies in close alignment, creating logistical, content- and production-related as well as economic synergies. An impact that is desired in many companies – today and even more so tomorrow!