08 | BrandEx 2026
14. JANUARY 2026

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Rainer Müller


The WORLD has changed, the ECONOMY has changed and the PEOPLE have changed. Change and transformation create opportunities for a sustainable future and the further development of our competences.
I am very excited to see how the industry has dealt with the change process and what great and award-winning works have come out of it.


After his training in the construction industry, Rainer Müller looks back on over 20 years of experience in the event and trade fair construction industry. With his diverse skills as a CAD designer, construction manager, project manager and key account manager, he has served large companies on a national and international level for many years. During the pandemic, he implemented and marketed several streaming studios for a Cologne-based event company. Most recently, he acted as senior account manager and sales manager at Staging GmbH / MMC Group Cologne (corporate events, hybrid events and creative trade fair construction) and is currently also in the change process.