06 | BrandEx 2024
17.-18. JANUARY 2024

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Nicolai Jakobs

Founder/CEO of Jakobs Medien GmbH

13:30 – 14:00
Digital live formats as door openers for real brand experiences for Generation Y

Format: Power presentation
Track: No Borders

How can real experiences and events benefit from digital communication, and how do I attractively integrate my viewers in my communication? How can brands communicate live on the Web and how corporate do they want to/can they be? How do you achieve high-coverage interaction with your target group? In this presentation, Nicolai talks about the blurring of boundaries, genuine emotions and the interaction of digital live communication with real experiences of Generation Y, using mobile live streams and interactive marketing.

Nicolai Jakobs is a filmmaker, composer and founder who deals with the development of strong communication livestream formats of the present and future and thus combines real encounters with the diversity of today’s digital communication.
Born in Berlin and inspired by his own urban living spaces, he deals with the usage behaviour of Generation Y and innovative live experiences in live communication and the associated possibilities made available to us by mobility, digital networks and increasingly intelligent technologies.
The trained sound and video technician is owner and CEO of Jakobs Medien and in 2017 developed the nau media house brand for wide-ranging live formats for guerrilla campaigns, brands and urban storytelling. From time to time he also finds time to compose music for commercials or films.