Best Digital Event – New Brand Introduction


Best Digital Event, Event



Concept Summary

Best Digital Event Proske facilitated DSM and Firmenich's internal merger celebrations for 30,000 global employees. Our objectives: foster inclusivity, communicate new values, familiarize with business units, strengthen connections, and unveil the new brand. We used a hybrid concept: local celebrations, a 9-hour live TV broadcast, and a central digital platform. This platform became the new virtual brand hub, enabling global communication and engagement. We streamed content for 11 hours (incl. breaks), accommodating different regions, languages, and attendance preferences. Challenges included external brand development during the planning phase. The TV broadcast included live segments, pre-recorded videos, and content from flying reporters, edited in real-time. A large workforce of Proske achieved an outstanding planning and execution, while continuously supporting both clients and participants whenever necessary. KEY FACTS FOR SUCCESS: Maximum Impact // 30,000 global employees reached via virtual home and a 9-hour live broadcast Global Accessibility // Enabled all employees worldwide to access crucial details at pleasant hours with a broadcast in TV show format 4 Main Hubs, 17 Live Stations // Utilized 4 streaming hubs on three continents with bi-directional connections and 17 live input stations for seamless content integration Secure Single Sign-On (SSO) // Adhered to top safety standards Multilingual Engagement // Main townhalls available via broadcast in 7 languages Key Resource // Designated virtual platform as center of communication for the next 12 months for meetings and essential business unit and brand information

Proske GmbH, Elena Albrecht
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