Concept Summary
Jury statement:
A successful example of how company history can be presented in an astonishing, unconventional fashion. The company founder encounters himself in the future and exerts a formative influence on the company’s history. Masterful interplay of origin and future, flawlessly depicted by the content on the screens and emotional action onstage.
A company with ca. 40 employees - "At the cutting edge" - a startup company with 150 years of experience. A man dreams of the wide world and a new beginning. A risky plan that looks doomed to failure! Then .. an unusual encounter takes place. The main theme of the evening was the company’s history, told through stories and supplemented with performances. Rudolf Widmer, the company’s founder, was the story’s protagonist - portrayed by an actor in a dual role in the film. He also put on a virtuoso performance throughout the evening as the moderator. With the help of a time machine, he visited himself shortly after the birth of the business in 1870. To his horror, he realised that he wanted to emigrate to America and had plans to liquidate the company. He was able to discourage his alter ego by reporting on the company’s fantastic future. But would that be enough? This story was recounted on screen and on stage – which helped drive and shape the occasion. The guests got to learn all about the Kündig company and helped celebrate its anniversary while enjoying this excellent piece of showmanship. They also found out more about the economic changes the company had to deal with, and how it changed tack in order to become a global leader. He involved the audience and conducted interviews with guests and the current owners. Guests from 19 nations were spellbound. Audience-related questions ensured that everyone was actively involved in the evening. The anniversary film and the corporate video are now filmic documents, preserved for future generations. Both films were shown as world premiere that night. In addition, the films will serve as a tool for recruiting new employees.
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