TALK & TRANSFORM – Digital Annual Kick-Off Conference 2022


Best Digital Event, Event



Concept Summary

TALK & TRANSFORM - Digital annual kick-off conference 2022 We communicate, we exchange ideas. In order to move. Because only those who keep moving remain fit for the future... This is the claim we defined together with our client for the digital annual kick-off conference ALL GILEAD 2022 and translated it into a suitable concept. The catchy slogan "TALK & TRANSFORM" verbalizes the focus of the conference and gives a clear mission to the 300 participants in their home offices. The various topics - from the messages of the leadership team to inspiring presentations by employees - we translate into a 900 square meter "TALK & TRANSFORM" landscape, which is a place of broadcasting, interaction and talk for two days. To encourage interaction, we divide the participants into virtual groups. So-called "Digital Guides", each accompanied by a camera team, guide the participants in six parallel livestreams through the TALK & TRANSFORM landscape. At the CONTENT stations, participants learn the news from the individual business units in pre-produced videos. In the CULTURE sessions, employees discuss various issues in a virtual environment. At the INSPO stations, we let colleagues from their own company share their inspiring stories and experiences. Throughout the conference, participants reflect with their guides on digital whiteboards on what they have heard. Great added value for us and the customer: We can evaluate the content generated there afterwards and draw valuable insights for the next conference. In the spirit of TALK & TRANSFORM, we create two days that provide space for information, dialog and involvement.

Customer / client
Gilead Science GmbH
Brand Concepts GmbH
Staber Ingenieurbüro
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