08 | BrandEx 2026
14. JANUAR 2026

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Tage : Stunden : Minuten : Sekunden

Oliver Wendel

LPS Event Gastronomie GmbH

12:00 – 12:30 Uhr
More than greenwashing – socially responsible sustainability in the event industry

Panel participants: Georg W. Broich, President of LECA, CEO Broich Catering & Locations
Stephanie Forstner, Unit Head, Catering & Sustainability at Lemonpie Catering
Moderation: Henning Fischer

Format: Talk
Track: Multi-Sensory Experience

Is socially responsible sustainability even possible in the event business? What’s required to manage the event business in a socially responsible, sustainable manner in the harsh era of little time and
little money? Or is the desire for sustainability mere lip service without serious intent to back it up?

Oliver Wendel is Managing Director of LPS Event Catering. With his expertise, Wendel is a well-known player in the event catering market. For the past eight years, he has been the operative managing director of Kofler & Kompanie. Prior to that he was Managing Director of Käfer Service GmbH, where he was responsible for party service throughout Germany and Messe München. Previously, Oliver Wendel headed the Düsseldorf office of Lufthansa Party Service and was responsible for the EXPO 2000 project in Hanover.