LEDVANCE Power trough Light – Light + Building 2024


Architecture, Best Stand M (101 bis 500 m²)


Entry, Winner



Concept Summary

The eye-catching booth interpreted the dynamics of light by choreographed structures and a dominant brand color. Frames formed the central architectural element, creating inviting lines of sight. Outside, they were the boundaries of the stand, containing branding or slat elements that created both transparency and demarcation in their dialectic. They were positioned unparallel to the stand boundary. so that they allowed exciting lines of sight, views and inviting entrances. This created an eye-catching dynamic.
Inside, the frames formed themed clusters. There, the related products and themes could be experienced in these areas. They remained abstract and suggestive with fragmentary materials and element.
The hospitality area was not partitioned off but moved to the center in an appreciative way. An eye catching light sculpture hovered there contributed to the overall atmosphere by providing a relaxing counterpoint.
The frames were developed in the design process so that they are reused.

Studio Bachmannkern GmbH
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