tWEx – together WE X
Best Motivation / Best Employee Event, Event
Concept Summary
UneXpected times require uneXpected events that create new eXperiences and break through eXisting patterns. X is an unknown variable that stands for endless possibilities. E.ON’s new leadership conference “tWEx” aimed at engaging, inspiring and breaking down silos. This year’s X empowered the participants to experience leadership as “WE” through gamification, art, and sound. Due to the political climate the venue changed 8 weeks prior to the event. In May 2022, 400 participants across the E.ON Group found their way to Funkhaus Berlin, a venue containing various digital and analog playgrounds over 13 hectares. In 3 days, the guests benefited from a platform designed to truly eXplore a transformative Xperience. With tWEx, E.ON greatly advanced its cultural change ambitions, for example, by extending the participant circle - for the very first time - beyond an exclusively executive group. These so called ‘X-agents’ acted as multiplicators of the E.ON Values. By stimulating multiple senses, tWEx conveyed intangible emotions into very tangible messages that resonated long after Berlin. Interaction and overall transparency were key. This included an extensive pre-communication campaign, that triggered the involvement of the participants. Messages were amplified by 21 internal live blogposts with a reach of up to 42,200 individual user clicks, hundreds of Linkedin posts using the hashtag #tWEx and 22,800 clicks on the CEO’s personal blog. tWEx gave the possibility to connect, re-connect, network, and celebrate. "Culture can be changed by concretely 'doing' something different", the E.ON CEO Leo Birnbaum summarizing the event.