Toyota Beyond Zero Summit


Best Brand Activation, Event



Concept Summary

“Beyond zero” is an expression of Toyota’s visionary self-image of continuing to innovatively drive, help shape and continuously improve the topics of mobility, sustainability, and urban community in the future. The goal of the measure was to position Toyota as a visionary, authentic and meaningful mobility player that has no less a claim than to make life a little better for everyone. The concrete task was to develop an in-person live event which allows every aspect of the new Toyota Beyond Zero campaign to be experienceable for its participants. To fulfill this premise, all components of the Toyota brand must be made visible and tangible at the same time. The target group must become the protagonist of the story to be able to build up their own emotions on the relevance of beyond zero. A communicative measure which embeds the DNA of the campaign into the minds of all stakeholders. The objective was to communicate in a way that motivates all participants to live, share and expand the campaign’s spirit and educate others on its deeper insights. In short, Toyota wanted all participants to be able to serve as “Beyond Zero ambassadors” after taking part in the summit. Guiding concept plan: the Beyond Zero summit live event must serve as Toyota Germany’s official campaign kickoff for a new era of communication, and all participants need to be elevated to the status of true Beyond Zero ambassadors. Guiding realization idea: a 6-day, back2back, on-site event experience as a center piece to a string of communication measures, which truly implements the Beyond Zero campaign into the minds of employees, dealers, and business partners.

Toyota Deutschland GmbH
jaeger haeckerhase gmbh
Aventem GmbH
Plan-Union GmbH
cream digital pictures GmbH
Wisdorf Garten- u. Landschaftsbau GmbH
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