IBM Think Virtual Pop-up


Architecture, Best Digital Architecture


Entry, Nominee, Winner



Concept Summary

In 2020, the Corona pandemic turned our world upside down from one day to the other including the whole event industry. At that time, we were already in the starting blocks to bring the IBM brand closer to customers and partners in their respective hometowns with an innovative pop-up concept. But due to Covid, the roadshow was canceled, and the popup never left the warehouse. Quickly adapting to the new normal, we were tasked with creating a first of its kind new platform within just three months: The IBM Think Virtual Pop-up. A digital rebuild of the physical version, with a 3D environment offering everything the physical space did, including an experience area with interactive showcases to bring event content to life. It provided instant and direct access to the world of IBM and brought a unique and compelling brand experience to every client and partner in no time. Enhanced by personal invitations and individual welcome messages for attendees, interactive chat functionality during online events, and on demand media presentations according to individual interests, we were able to create a breakthrough personalized digital event experience. From July 2020 to December 2021, the experience platform was available 24/7 and hosted many unique events and formats. The virtual popup set new standards in the worldwide event business, positioning IBM as a high tech company by creating cutting edge technology in a cutting edge environment.

IBM Deutschland GmbH
George P. Johnson GmbH
Fairtech Kommunikationstechnik GmbH
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