100 Jahre R+V – eine einjährige Jubiläumskampagne
Best Brand Activation, Event
Concept Summary
The #MISSIONMITEINANDER („mission together“) campaign is a year long anniversary campaign, wanting to give back something to society. Introducing two sustainable tiny houses, the R+V started a 5 months long tour through Germany in January. During the tour they met many experts for sustainability and looked for sustainable projects in order to support them with overall 1,6 Million Euro. More than 1000 projects submitted with more than 300 matching the criteria. The employees of the R+V decided about the amount to support them with. The year ended with a two day visionary future festival with more than 100 speakers, 8 stages, an exclusive professional study, a multi-generational public live and digital audience, all supported projects and the idea to create the future together – since we have to and CAN act! Together! Finally, the year ended with a large anniversary celebration event and party for all 16.000 employees.