Deutsche Bank Security Campaign / Thirst for knowledge


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Thirst for knowledge Security Shot Online-Events This Security Shot quiz “Thirst for knowledge” comprises a central element of the Deutsche Bank Information Security Campaign. It was devised especially for this occasion and gives you the opportunity to whet employees’ appetites for the topic of security awareness in your region in a light-hearted and innovative way. “Thirst for Knowledge” is the motto governing the entire month. The aim is to enable employees to “soak up” as much information as possible, fortify themselves with knowledge and thereby further bolster Deutsche Bank’s human firewall. This “symbolic wall” sends out a strong signal against external attacks and is of immense importance, especially given the evolving cyber threat landscape. You should point this fact out to webinar participants at the outset, in order to sharpen their senses for the topic of information security. The fill level of all online sessions worldwide were added up and paid into a common "motivation account". The basis of the questions: True-Crime – all questions are based on real global cyber-crime cases. Thus, the Security Shot is a core element of the overall campaign. THE THREAT IS EVER-PRESENT: FOCUS ON SECURITY AWARENESS This statistic impressively demonstrates that financial service providers are an attractive target for cyber criminals: 238% more cyber attacks were recorded at the start of the pandemic in 2020 alone. The fact is, no other industry is under as much attack as the financial sector. 90% of all cyber attacks target the human factor. And the hackers’ tactics are becoming increasingly sophisticated and unpredictable. The criminals team up

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