Best Thematic Exhibition, Event
Nominee, Winner
Concept Summary
The central theme of the “Berlin Global” exhibition at the Humboldt Forum is the interconnectedness of the city of Berlin with the world. It is intended to be a discursive, participatory, and interactive space with a diverse range of topics and perspectives. "Berlin doesn't need another museum", with this phrase facts and fiction opened the presentation of its concept in 2016. The idea was not another exhibition with showcases full of awe-inspiring objects but to create an experience that visitors leave with new perspectives. The focus is on the idea of the highest possible degree of participation. A fluid concept was intended, an exhibition in constant change through and with the visitors. Thus, the exhibition enables a personalised and interactive visit for everyone and is designed to invite visitors to communicate and discuss. This idea is not only conveyed through the themes and content, but also via the all new digital assistance system “IAMU”. In terms of content and form, the exhibition is divided into nine, deliberately different thematic rooms. Among them Revolution, Free Space, Borders, Pleasure, War, Fashion. At the end of the tour, visitors enter the “Berlianen” lounge. Here they can study their personal IAMU evaluation, exchange ideas with other visitors or simply relax.
Jury Statement:
Die Ausstellung „Berlin Global“ im Humboldt Forum thematisiert die Vernetzung der Stadt Berlin mit der Welt. Sie ist eine moderne Inszenierung der Strahlkraft von Berlin bei globalen Themen wie Revolution, Freiraum, Grenzen, Krieg oder Lifestyle. Die dramaturgisch, grafisch und architektonisch außergewöhnliche Ausstellung erschließt sich allen Zielgruppen. Sie füllt den Raum mit diskursiven, partizipativen und interaktiven Angeboten aus vielfältigen Perspektiven. Ein hochmodernes digitales Assistenzsystem unterstützt das Anliegen der Ausstellung, die Besucher zu Kommunikation und Diskussion einzuladen.