TUI Cruises naming ceremony „Mein Schiff 2“ – Setting course for discovery


Best Live PR, Event



Concept Summary

In February 2019, TUI Cruises added a new ship to their fleet: Mein Schiff 2, which marks the next step into TUI Cruises’ successful journey opening new horizons in the cruise ship industry and offering a growing community, insights into foreign cultures. The naming ceremony needed an emotional event concept and a motto that highlights the company’s brand values. On top of the live experience involving the 2,800 guests on board, relevant content had to be delivered via the social media channels to the online community. Under the motto “setting course for discovery” Mein Schiff 2 set sail for a memorable naming event: a 12-day-cruise symbolizing the adventurous spirit and the discovery of new horizons and Lisbon, known for great explorers who set out from here to discover the new world, as the naming ceremony location. The maiden voyage gave the guests daily surprises bringing to life different famous explorers. The daily motto showed in all activities, excursions, entertainment and menus. The naming ceremony at Lisbon’s Ponte 25 de Abril, the world-famous suspension bridge, was the spectacular highlight of a special cruise culminating in this big moment. Throughout the 12-day-journey, a ten-member social media team entertained the online community with live posts and insights on all digital channels. The naming ceremony was witnessed by 60.000 fans via livestream on Facebook. Overall, the online activities generated 945,600 views with a click-through rate of app. 10%. Partnerships with influencers and bloggers resulted in 434 posts in other social networks and, 169 print/online/TV features reached 38 million readers and viewers.

insglück Gesellschaft für Markeninszenierung mbH
PRG Production Resource Group AG
Luso Pirotecnia Group
Optikalusion Chris Moylan
TUI Cruises GmbH
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