Concept Summary
Jury statement:
Our jury recognises the idea and concept of an entire campaign over a certain period of time rather than a single event to celebrate a company anniversary.
Placing the company’s employees at centre stage in that celebration showcases a sincere approach towards employee engagement.
The company’s provision of the opportunity and the necessary resources put the employees in charge of creating and designing the content elements, demonstrating the authentic involvement of their employees as individuals, persons and human beings.
Well done! congratulations!
#erlebehoch20 – Passepartout celebrates its 20th anniversary Inn 2019 Passepartout celebrates its 20th anniversary with the campaign #erlebehoch20. For this special birthday the agency used the occasion to boost their employee’s motivation, as well as solidifying their pride and identity through the association with the company. This was done by creating a campaign that gave the employees the opportunity to create moments around matters that are close to their hearts. These moments were organised free of charge and were meant as a gift for that particular target group. From this 12 special events were created, one for each month of the anniversary year. Every event is as unique as the people they are for, such as colleagues, service providers, volunteers, the homeless, sick children and everyday people. Shortly: people, who aren't normally the main focus of our events. Despite their differences they have one significant factor in common: this is that every target group has shaped the way we operate every day. The team members were able to define and realise the unique and individual events themselves and thus make their moment about topics and people close to their heart. These events were documented through different social media platforms to help raise awareness to the message each moment represented. Thus, the employees were able to let their friends and followers take part in THEIR moment and their personal matter of concern. Kontakt: Agentur Passepartout GmbH & Co.KG Meerbuscher Strasse 64 40670 Meerbusch Phone: 02132/ 694 37 – 0 Mail: [email protected]
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