BMW Vision iNEXT World Flight


Best Craft, Planning, Craft, Production



Concept Summary

BMW Vision iNEXT World Flight: Showroom above the clouds An airworthy showroom in a Boeing 777F for the worldwide presentation of the new BMW Vision iNEXT - an event over five days (98 hours) and four destinations on three continents: BMW Vision iNEXT World Flight presents the new BMW Vision iNext to more than 300 international press representatives in Munich, New York, San Francisco and Beijing. The showroom with its exceptional AV technology and the prototype of the BMW Vision iNEXT was installed directly in the belly of the Boeing 777F. Ten hours after landing at each location, the press show began, and only four hours after the end of the show, the Boeing took off again. In the Boeing, Softedge projections from ten Panasonic DZ13K projectors, approx. 40 sqm LED floor, various light installations such as light ceiling and light arcs consisting of over 78,000 pixels as well as sound and lighting technology suitable for the show (approx. 100 intelligent headlights and 30 loudspeakers) made the prototype come alive. Kinetic installations such as a turntable and two drop gates enabled an impressive show, which gradually released the individual segments of the showroom. In close cooperation with Lufthansa Cargo, the BMW Group, VOK Dams and the suppliers for event technology and set construction, this vehicle and technology presentation turned from an idea into reality. The engineers of macomNIYU GmbH were responsible for the technical design and realization of the extraordinary staging and the sophisticated event concept of VokDams. They also took over the direction of the event.

macomNIYU GmbH
POOLgroup GmbH
BMW Group
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