08 | BrandEx 2026
14. JANUARY 2026

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Thorsten Seidel

Union Investment


I participate in the BrandEx Award jury because it is something special when a project is so successful that it is worthy of being awarded.
That is why I am very happy to take the opportunity to view and evaluate the projects of the submitting teams, which have been created with creativity, professionalism, courage and heart and soul. Together with the other members of the jury, I look forward to selecting the best of the best in live communication this year.

Thorsten Seidel has been working in the field of live communication for almost three decades. During his studies he started with jobs in events, congresses, promotion and PR.
This awakened a passion for live communication that still continues unabated. Since 2001, he has been working for Union Investment, where he is in charge of event management as part of an integrated corporate communications strategy.
Translating the brand and its experience into spaces, messages and staging is his profession and passion.