Deutsche Bahn AG
Never before has it been so clearly demonstrated to all of us as in the past months of the Corona deprivations what enormous emotional power is anchored in human encounters. Successful, contemporary and well-done live communication guarantees precisely this – whether virtual, hybrid or on-site. In order to identify this “well done” in the circle of esteemed colleagues and to give it the appropriate and well-deserved public stage, I am very happy to be a jury member of the BrandEx Awards.
Steffen Straub, a trained advertising executive, studied business administration with a focus on organization and marketing at the universities of Würzburg and Münster. After holding various positions in corporate marketing at Deutsche Bahn AG, he has been responsible for live communications management there since 2012. In this role, he shapes the live communication activities of the mobility and logistics service provider: starting from an overarching strategy to the concrete brand experience externally and internally, personally and virtually. This is complemented by his involvement as a permanent member of the industry’s cross-sector trade fair meeting (BüM), on the advisory board of transport logistic Munich and as a lecturer at the Grundig Academy for Advertising and Communication (GAW) in Nuremberg.