06 | BrandEx 2024
17.-18. JANUARY 2024

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Simone Bötcher

Specialist in Intellectual Property Rights, Attorney
GREENFIELD IP Stoll Schulte Rechtsanwälte

11:45 – 12:15 | Playground Interactive
3 STEPS TO KNOW HOW PROTECTION: The (Trade) secret to your success

INFORMATION + VALUE= KNOW HOW So secret that hardly anyone has noticed, a paradigm shift in trade secret protection took place. Pitch documents, customer lists, etc. – this may now be freely passed on. Unless you become active. Let me explain to you how that’ s done.

Simone Bötcher, LL.M. is an attorney in the field of intellectual property. For over 10 years, the grass has been greener for her where brands, markets, media and corporate advertising are concerned. Building, protecting and defending corporate assets is the main concern of the specialist lawyer and Associated Partner of GREENFIELD IP. Simone Bötcher is a specialist consultant for the FAMAB Communication Association. She speaks regularly on the topics of copyright, know-how and advertising in the communication environment. Often without point and comma, but always Nordic, clear and (almost) paragraph-free.