08 | BrandEx 2026
14. JANUARY 2026

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Prof. Roland Lambrette

Founder Atelier Markgraph
Rector of the Hochschule für Künste Bremen

11:10 – 11:30 Uhr | Mainstage
“The end of the ‘full speed ahead’ mindset” And now?

What does the current change in societal values mean for everyone who is responsible for and designs communication? This change is followed by huge shifts: in content, in formats and especially in budgets. What does this mean for agencies, for customers, for brand experiences?

Prof. Roland Lambrette is one of the four founders of the renowned Frankfurt studio Markgraph and rector of the Hochschule für Künste Bremen. He is known as a pioneer of communication in space.
A long series of internationally acclaimed brand stagings and his groundbreaking projects in theme communication are regarded as benchmarks in the industry.