06 | BrandEx 2024
17.-18. JANUARY 2024

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Michael Ostertag-Henning

SCHMIDHUBER Brand Experience GmbH

17:45 – 18:15 | Keynote Lounge 2
Is passion measurable? And if so, what are the implications?

Experiential marketing has grown up. Our culture of knowledge needs a new freedom. An important accelerator in the “visible area” of brand development is spatial communication. Today, our work serves many levels and caters to multiple new additional tasks. It is rarely this vulnerable, since it is always excellently strategically derived, professionally designed and, of course, success-measurable afterwards. But how do we still spark passion in this situation? How do we create “outstanding” work that gets under your skin and which people do we need for that?

While studying architecture, Michael Ostertag-Henning worked for renowned communication agencies, developing his passion for connecting people with brands and spaces at an early age.
After years of apprenticeship with Daniel Libeskind and Graft Architects, he joined SCHMIDHUBER in 2008 as managing partner, where, among other things, he had a decisive influence on the spatial appearance of the Audi brand and set future standards. With a deep feeling for the developments in the industry, he is the visionary at SCHMIDHUBER in the broad field of live communication and turns messages into an experience.