06 | BrandEx 2024
17.-18. JANUARY 2024

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Hendrik Zilien

fischerAppelt, live marketing GmbH

12:30 – 13:00 | Fresh Club Stage
‘Blind Date’ as an employer
Michael Veidt-Molzberger | Hendrik Zilien | Verena Laetsch | Anja Osswald | Andreas Horbelt | Christopher Werth

Who’s going to be your date? Analogous to the well-known TV format, agencies compete for the attentions of a young project manager or concept developer.

The music and the deejaying led Hendrik into the world of events. After training as an event manager and studying economics, he worked in various agencies and earned an MBA in event marketing. His last station was marbet, where he mainly worked for Audi. Today, as a team leader at fischerAppelt, he is responsible for major cross-disciplinary projects and attaches particular importance to passing on his experience to the next generation.