06 | BrandEx 2024
17.-18. JANUARY 2024

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Dr. Marlon Braumann

CEO of store2be GmbH

15:00 – 15:30
What’s new, honey? Innovation encourages discussion.
Salim Yüksel | Volkswagen AG, Dr. Marlon Braumann | store2be GmbH, Michael Albrecht | A4VR – The Agency for Virtual Reality

Format: Talk
Track: Cultural Change

Live communication is currently undergoing numerous changes. This panel presents new technologies, new business models and new customer behaviors and discusses these from multiple perspectives. Michael Albrecht, Salim Yüksel and Dr. Marlon Braumann will discuss the role that events play today and will play in the future, how familiar formats in the areas of trade shows and events will change and what will motivate target groups in 2025 to visit real or virtual events.

Dr. Marlon Braumann is a Business graduate from WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management with a background in sales and marketing. After graduating as a Master of Science in 2013, Marlon accomplished his PhD on salesforce management and compensation engineering in 2015. Setting up, steering and growing sales structures can be considered one of Marlon’s major passions. As one of the co-founders and Head of Sales at store2be, he sets the sales strategy and works closely with the development teams to establish store2be as a world-class brand widely known among shopping center companies, retailers, agencies, and advertisers alike.