06 | BrandEx 2024
17.-18. JANUARY 2024

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David Roth

Owner of prjktr.machner roth gbr

14:15 – 14:45
‘X bits, 0 borders’: let the space tell your story — and of the habit, looking at things from a different perspective.
Florian Machner & David Roth | prjktr.machner roth gbr

Format: Power presentation
Track: Staging

When spaces learn to talk and blur all boundaries, prjktr. serve up tidbits of visual staging — of talking spaces, atmospheres without borders, and acrobatic performances in space — of cats and lasers and naked asphalt.

A space is a stage whose uniqueness and atmosphere has to be made visible to the viewer. This visualisation of spaces as well as of the stories, content and statements presented therein is developed via their visual staging. prjktr. thinks, experiments, plans, designs and implements the required ideas and concepts, either temporarily or permanently. prjktr. create new, holistic spaces for art, culture or brands and transform existing situations using light and projection into new spatial experiences.