SAP NOW Berlin


Best Corporate Event, Event



Concept Summary

Assignment Under the term INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE, SAP, as a leading provider of enterprise software, links all information from all areas of a company worldwide and thus generates real added value for the decision-maker level. The task was to transport this holistic aspect with an event for around 1,500 participants. Realization With the objective of creating "unforgettable moments", a concept was developed around the topic of INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE with staging, content and set-up. The variety of topics, the focus on a keynote and an outstanding presentation of the event theme required a correspondingly large location with an extraordinary atmosphere. Our choice: Hangar 7 in Berlin Tempelhof with an event area of 10,000 m2. The set up consisted of a central area with a 360° stage and a generous container landscape for the individual presentation of the individual departments. A special dynamic highlight was the stage for the leading theme INTELLIGENT ENTERPRISE with two movable grandstands. SAP NOW became SAP WOW The creative design of the content presentations always offered new surprises - according to participant feedback a real eye-opener, the innovative catering concept promoted informal communication, an app developed especially for the event was a helpful tool. A true digital customer experience for all participants - during and after the event, The attractive entertainment has enthused all participants equally. A real benefit for all involved Not only SAP but also all participating partners have profited from the concept and implementation. The feedback of all participants, the organizer and the partners confirmed that the event SAP NOW was a real SAP

SAP Deutschland SE & Co.KG
trend factory marketing und veranstaltungs GmbH
Customer / client
SAP Deutschland SE & Co.KG
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